I've never try any eversoft product before but since my sister dah jadi pengguna eversoft so google la sikit about eversoft cleanser ni. Recently eversoft relaunches and improved their cleanser and scrub. New packaging, new formula but still with its origin and belief in 100% organic plants which make it perfect for all skin types.
My sister ada masalah jerawat yang agak teruk kat muka dia for years. Macam-macam dah pakai but still no changes and somehow makin teruk adalah. Cetaphil? dah pakai tapi macam tu jugak. So semalam masa ambil dia kat kolej, nampak kulit dia yang before ni jerawat besar-besar, merah penuh kat pipi dahi dia semua dah takda. Ada sikit2 je kat pipi tu pun kecik-kecik je. So surprising! She said, semenjak dia pakai eversoft cleanser ni kulit dia nearly-flawless-tapi-belum-lagi haha.
Those yang ada acne prone problem, you guys should give this product a try. SANGAT SANGAT RECOMMENDED! Perubahan dekat my sister tu sangat amazing and ketara tahap dewa. I tried it myself sebab tertinggal cleanser and not bad. My face has an acne and after i apply it, esok pagi tengok dah kecut. The best thing is, my face less oily masa bangun tidur. Kira pencapaian terbaik la sebab my skin oily teruks. Kulit pun lembut je tapi satu jelah, i've problem bila pakai cleanser yang berbuih. Bersin non-stop.
Oil & Acne Control cleansing foam is high in anti-oxidants and vitamin C to promote skin renewal, soothes skin redness and helps in the removing of skin blemishes. It is also use gingko biloba leaf extract that helps to clean and clear the skin of acne causing bacteria. Besides, it is parabens free, no alcohol, no animal testing and no mineral oil. Suitable for all skin types and it works wonder. Hopefully this helps!
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